7 Ocak 2016 Perşembe

Strange Light Poles Over Russia Prompt Fears Of An Alien Invasion

A mysterious display of light poles appeared above the city of Birobidzhan, in eastern Russia last weekend prompting fears of an alien invasion for local residents.

As the strange multi colored display played out over the night sky, thousands were convinced they were being visited by aliens from another world.

One resident said "There was real fear in the air, at least several dozen people went scrambling to their cars to get away".

Likened to the Orson Welles broadcast incident, images of the eerie sight were uploaded by residents who thought their city was being invaded by aliens.

In 1938 Orson Welles and his mercury Theatre converted the novel "The War Of The Worlds by H.G. Wells into fake news bulletins that described an alien invasion of New Jersey. Many listeners mistakenly thought the broadcast was the real thing, which resulted in a frenzied panic to get away.

This is not the first time the strange phenomenon has appeared in the skies of Russia. In January of 2015 similar "light poles" appeared in the night skies over the city of Saratov.

The "light poles" are thought to be caused by an unusual atmospheric phenomenon. The optical effect occurs when light is reflected by ice crystals suspended in the air vertically. "Light Poles" are often formed around the moon, city lights and other sources of bright lights. By: Enigmadigest


SPACE FENCE – The Secret Star Wars-like technology that manipulates all life on Earth

In this groundbreaking new 2016 Dark Journalist episode he welcomes the author of the amazing book: Chemtrails HAARP And The Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth, Elana Freeland. Elana's 20 year journey into the realm of covert geoengineering programs, whose goal is to create a dominant Worldwide Smart Grid to ionize the atmosphere, centralize control and institute an all-powerful surveillance state.

Elana's investigation draws on the research of scientist Nick Begich and the work of her friend scientist Clifford Carnicom, the leading voices alerting the public to the dangers of large-scale Aerial Spraying and Ionospheric Heaters. Her penetrating insights into the controversial military policy of "Full Spectrum Dominance" and its ties to covert agendas for controlling the atmosphere have led her to secret programs that deal with Weather Warfare, Earthquake and Tsunami Delivery Systems, Nanotechnology, DNA Manipulation and Disaster Capitalism!

In her research she has found that the advanced technology that is behind such complex and mind-boggling activities is rooted in the same programs that created the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) back in the Reagan and Bush Sr. era that was dubbed "Star Wars" by the media. The further development of this technology led to the project called "The Space Fence" in which all life on earth was to be manipulated and controlled from above through nano-sensors with satellites observing the action on the ground.

From Smartphone Entrainment to Wireless Surveillance, Data Mining and WIFI Frequency Wave Towers, the public is now paying for the very tools that will be used to control their every move and monitor their every thought, phone call, email, and emotion. Through the news blackout of the controlled corporate mainstream media an average person has little or no knowledge that the air we breathe is being loaded up with nano-particulates to form the basis of a gigantic worldwide antenna that will be hooked into all physical, organic matter and feed impulses into an Artificial Intelligence infrastructure.

Mechanized Tyranny or Creative Freedom? Will the Transhumanist agenda of corporate overlords merging with technology to dominate the earth and humanity come to pass? Is this the era of genetically-enhanced cyborg supersoldiers and controller attack drones funded by out of control black budget military programs and puppet-dancer politicians or will the exposure of these dangerous programs cause a radical shift in our 21st century paradigm? The choice apparently is ours.


6 Ocak 2016 Çarşamba

ESA Image Reveals Huge Monolith In Crater On Mars

Mars Express, the first planetary mission of the European Space Agency, was sent to the Red Planet in 2003. It sent a lander down to the surface, and although it failed to fully deploy, the orbiter has been taking amazing pictures.

One picture shows what seems to be a huge monolith on the bottom of a crater. This single upright block of stone could be an ancient monument or building.

It has right angles and nature doesn’t make right angles on its own.

Where did it come from and who put it there?

The Mars Express images, now released for general use, show besides the monolith, the dramatic landscapes of Mars, sculpted by ancient volcanoes, water flows, and the scouring action of dust storms in cinematic images in the following video.

Image of the monolith at about the 2.34 mark.


5 Ocak 2016 Salı

Second Sun captured above Sudbury, Ontario Canada

Again a second sun has been observed. This time Linda from Sudbury, Ontario Canada caught the phenomenon on tape on January 5, 2016.

According to Linda, the object is a massive unidentified flying object that stood still in the sky. She said “at first I thought that it was a cloud and then I saw that it was something else.”

However, if we compare Linda’s image with similar images of a second sun, I believe the object is a second sun rather than a massive UFO.

What do you think?


Strange Light - Portal Opens Above Canberra, Australia?

On January 3, 2016 a strange light appeared in the sky above Canberra in Australia.

During a thunderstorm a bright ball of light suddenly appears in the sky. The following moment it seems as it explodes and turns into a doughnut-shaped light.

What is this mysterious light? Ball lightning, orb or a portal to another dimension?


4 Ocak 2016 Pazartesi

Bizarre UFO-like object being struck by lightning in Lower Austria (Video)

Marie Mela from Vienna was celebrating the New Year with friends in the Mostviertel region of Lower Austria.

At a certain moment a friend lets off a firework, which heads into the sky. As the rocket explodes a white object becomes visible between the clouds being struck by lightning.

Marie Mela surprised by the strange occurrence in the sky, wrote: “Not sure if this is a UFO over Lower Austria or some bizarre weather phenomenon. Anyone any idea what it is?"


3 Ocak 2016 Pazar

Mysterious Beams of Light and Two Suns appear in the sky over Argentina (Video)

More and more beams of light and two suns appear in the sky across the world.

The latest of the eerie phenomenon occurred in the area Hipolito Yrigoyen of Argentina, where residents of the town of Oran witnessed two suns and a beam of light, just before a heavy thunderstorm and extreme winds engulfed the area on December 30, 2015.

There is much speculation that the phenomenon has to do with the approach of Planet X or Nibiru in our solar system.

That a second sun is not just an optical illusion proves the photo below which was recently made in Canada and clearly shows a second sun too.

As the second sun or planet is visible behind the trees and it has its own reflection on the water we can rule out that it is a lens flare or camera glitch.

Video below: The phenomenon in the sky over Argentina caught the eyes of all those who raised their eyes to heaven.


5000-year-old underground water system found under Persian Castle

A 5000 year-old aqueduct system has been uncovered in Borujerd in Lorestan Province Iran during construction work.

The discovered aqueduct system which includes a smart water distribution system used to be part of a historic castle.

According to news site Iranfrontpage, in the past, Borujerd had two layers of protection: the first one which included as many as 57 towers surrounded the entire town; the other one which had been built inside this area was around 280 hectares in area and was designed to protect the government castle. The government’s castle which was like a big garden inside the town had a well-designed water system.

Pottery crocks and clay pipes – called Tanpusheh in Farsi – were used in this system to transfer water. Big pottery vessels were applied for distributing water and removing mud from water. This could help minimize the risk of blockage in the flow of water. What stands out about this old system is its optimal use of water resources.


2 Ocak 2016 Cumartesi

Demon Entity Caught Watching Over Unborn Baby In Ultrasound Scan

An ultrasound picture of an unborn baby has gone viral after a strange looking figure next to the foetus was spotted by thousands of social media users.

The eerie image was posted on Imgur under the heading "A friend's ultrasound. When you see it...". 

At first, the scan looks like a fairly innocuous picture of n unborn child resting sweetly in their mother's womb. 

But if you look to the right of the picture, you might see something altogether more disturbing.


1 Ocak 2016 Cuma

Planet Earth blows its trumpet of the apocalypse

What could we say about the strange sounds? Unexplained sounds that were reported since 2011 and after four years these sounds are still there without an explanation.

Are angels blowing the trumpets of the apocalypse as a warning that something important is to come? Someone might be calling our attention?

Is the strange sound an alien language based on energy, frequency and form and if so, we are ready to begin the conversation? But how we will use it and with whom will be communicating?

The ancient Sumerians wrote: The language of frequency and form is given to us by 'Skygod' visitors, called Annunaki.

But what if the origin of the mysterious strange sounds are not coming from the sky but from the inner Earth.

Tibetan monks who mediating in a cave for a long time are saying that since 2011 they hear strange sounds coming from the inner earth which they explain as that spirits telepathically transmit these sounds to them that something major is going to happen soon.

But are spirits responsible for the sounds? Are they blowing the trumpets of the apocalypse?

At this point a lot of theories about these strange noises are being floated, even NASA, who explains that the strange sounds may be background noises from Earth as the planet emits ‘natural radio emissions’, cannot prove their theory.

So exactly what in the world is going on?

Linda Moulton Howe did an in-depth investigation on this phenomenon and discovered that the source of these sounds comes from the inner earth.

Indeed, something is going on in the inner core of the Earth and it has to do with the magnetic poles changing and involves minerals recycling in the mantle of the Earth.

The sounds are being generated in the mantle as large static discharges of energy, pushed up through the Earth’s crust, broadcasting as infrasound through the ionosphere and then bouncing back at a lower frequency that we can hear and feel as vibrations.

There has been a change in speed of mantle movement, which is affecting magnetic conductivity. This process could involve a weakening and strengthening of magnetic field anomalies similar to the last major pole shift.

Just look around you, in recent years, inclusive 2015, there have been strange and extreme weather and it is not yet over as scientists are predicting another year with more bizarre weather events.

Since the Earth is about a half million years overdue for a pole shift, all these strange sounds and extreme weather conditions could be a sign of an on-going process inside the earth which can lead to more instability in our ecosystems with disastrous consequences for humanity, maybe for thousands of years.